Introduction In today's fast-paced digital environment, uptime is crucial for maintaining productivity and business continuity. The recent widespread BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) issue has highlighted the critical need for efficient remote management solutions in IT and AV environments.
An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) PDU is a specialized power strip designed to connect to two power sources. One serves as the primary source and the other as a backup. If the primary power source fails, the ATS PDU immediately switches to the backup, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the connected equipment. Upon restoration of the primary power, the PDU seamlessly transitions back, offering a reliable and consistent power supply at all times.
As interest in home mining grows, it becomes important to understand how to safely handle these ultra high power-consuming devices. Electricity, heat, and noise are just a few things that home miners need to consider.
Of these considerations, power is the most dangerous and the least understood.
This guide aims to clear up the confusion.
Respond to unplanned events to protect your electrical power system from blackouts and other unintended consequences.
This guide is a detailed walk-through for configuring Google's Gmail SMTP server on a SynLink PDU. Once configured, your SynLink PDU will be able to send automated email alerts.