SynLink CLI for Serial, SSH, and Telnet

Table of Contents


SynLink Command Line Interface is a text based terminal shell which shows information and controls PDU functions.

Typing in commands from the list of commands, will provide further details and additional commands which can be appended to previous commands separated by spaces.

Access to SynLink Command Line Interface can be achieved with with SSH (Secure Shell), Telnet, or a local serial connection.


Following examples were run on model: SP-1001AIE-01

Instructions to access this Command Line Interface can be found here: Accessing CLI

Switching Outlets On or Off

Switch outlets on with command: system outlets set outlet_state to be prompted for outlet index, and outlet state.

Outlet state RB will power cycle PDU. Power cycle time is based off of global reboot time or custom reboot time for an individual outlet.

SynLink> system outlets set outlet_state
 Index | Outlet ID     | Name            | State 
 1     | 1-16777225    | Outlet 1        | ON
 2     | 2-16777225    | Outlet 2        | ON
 3     | 3-16777225    | Outlet 3        | ON
 4     | 4-16777225    | Outlet 4        | ON
 5     | 5-16777225    | Outlet 5        | ON
 6     | 6-16777225    | Outlet 6        | ON
 7     | 7-16777225    | Outlet 7        | ON
 8     | 8-16777225    | Outlet 8        | ON

Outlet ID or Outlet Index: 4
Successfully switched outlet


Switch outlets with command system outlets set outlet_state 4-16777225 OFF without interactive prompts. Requires knowing outlet ID ahead of time. Find outlet ID's ahead of time by issuing command system outlets status. This command is better for scripting then the previous command.

SynLink> system outlets set outlet_state 4-16777225 OFF
Successfully switched outlet

Setting Static IP to a Specific IP

The following examples shows a SynLink PDU being set to It is assumed this PDU is already configured to use static IPs (ip_assign = static_ip).

SynLink> network ip set static_ip
Restarting network to apply changes...
Successfully restarted Network

Network Settings
IP Address Assignment:  Static
Static IP Address:
Static Gateway IP:
Static Subnet Mask:
Primary DNS IP:
Secondary DNS IP:
Mac Address: 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45

Changing default Static IP to DHCP

SynLink> network ip set ip_assign dhcp
Restarting network to apply changes...
refreshing resolve.conf

Network Settings
IP Address Assignment:  DHCP
DHCP Assigned IP:
Mac Address: 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45

Get Inlet Power Consumption Information

Get inlet power consumption information in human readable format:

SynLink> system inlets status
Inlet Information
Inlet Plug          | IEC-320 C20
Inlet Name          | IEC-320 C20 Inlet
Inlet Line          | L-L/N
Energy Accumulation | 0.00 kWh
Current RMS         | 0.01 A
Voltage RMS         | 117.40 V
Line Frequency      | 60.19 W
Power Factor        | 0.49 
Active Power        | 0.38 W
Apparent Power      | 0.77 VA


Get inlet power consumption information in JSON format. See SynLink HTTP(S) API documentation to see JSON information

SynLink> system inlets json
    "inletPlug":"IEC-320 C20",
    "inletPhase":"Single Phase",
    "inletName":"IEC-320 C20 Inlet",

Accessing CLI

Accessing CLI via SSH

Example Ubuntu/Debian OS

Execute the ssh command with username and IP address separated by an @. A prompt for admin password will appear. Once properly authenticated, SynLink Shell Help Menu will appear.

$ ssh admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:VZMUnPw2MrIWR9y9pBbKlEzuWZRxJAo9bLMMUdsO/Jw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 
admin@'s password: 
SynLink Shell Help Menu

Usage: [command] [options...]

Press Tab to autocomplete commands


  [n]etwork      Show and configure network info 
  [s]ystem       Show and Configure PDU power, control, sensors, etc
  [set]tings     Manage PDU settings
  [m]odem        Access a connected modem
  [l]ogs         See various logs

  ping [host]    Send ping to specified host
  [h]elp         Returns this message
  [ex]amples     Common example commands
  [exit]         Exits SynLink Shell


Example Windows 10 OS

PuTTY is a useful tool which has an SSH Client. You can download PuTTY on their organization's website

Once downloaded open the application. The following screen will likely appear.


Under Host Name (or IP address) you can add your username and IP address. Example: admin@


Accessing CLI via Telnet

Follows similar steps to SSH for Ubuntu/Debian Linux OS and Windows 10 OS

Example Ubuntu/Debian Linux OS

telnet admin@

Example Windows 10 OS

Same steps as SSH, on PuTTY select telnet instead.

Accessing CLI via USB-Serial COM Port

Connect the provided USB type A to USB type A cord from the usb port labeled COM (not USB). Connect the other side of the cable to a computer running Windows, Linux, or MacOS.

Example Windows Vista/7/10 OS

If are using a Windows Computer to access the serial port. We recommend using PuTTY.

After connecting the PDU to your Computer. Open putty and choose the serial section like in the screenshot below.


The default baud rate (speed) is 115200. Identify your Serial Line (COM1 or COM2...) and click Open to start a command line interface with a SynLink Shell. While inside, type help to see a list of commands.

To identify your Serial Line On Separate Windows OS's read the following instructions.

Identify Serial Line on Windows Vista/7

  1. Click on Start Button on left corner of your screen
  2. Type: devmgmt.msc, and hit enter (To open the Device Manager)
  3. Inside the Device Manager, look for a section called "Ports (COM & LPT)", and expand the section
  4. It should be listed as a USB Serial Port, the COM port number is show in parantheses beside the name ![windows7screenshot]( =600x)

Identify Serial Line on Windows 10

  1. Access Device Manager
  2. Select "Show hidden devices" in View menu
  3. Look for "Com Ports" section.
  4. Check for the com ports inside that section.

Example Ubuntu/Debian OS

If you are using a Linux Ubuntu Machine, we use Minicom or Screen to access the device.

To install minicom

$ sudo apt-get install minicom

To identify the /dev of the USB-Serial port you can use type dmesg after the usb connection is made.

$ dmesg

Look for Manufacturer Synaccess LLC or Product: SynLink USB COM Port. You can find the /dev device in the dmesg output, in this example it is: ttyUSB0


Open a command line interface with minicom and identified serial device

Be sure to turn Hardware Flow Control off with 8N1 as the parity and bits. Default Baud rate is 115200.

$ sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200

While inside, type help to see a list of commands.

Configuring Passwordless SSH Access with Keys

With proper permissions, a User may include SSH Public Keys and access SSH without any passwords.

Configure SSH Keys on the web interface in Settings -> Manage Users -> User section. /settings/users.

Navigating Command Line Interface


help command returns a help menu with possible commands. It is shown by default when logging on to the SynLink Command Line Interface (CLI)


SynLink> help
SynLink Shell Help Menu

Usage: [command] [options...]

Press Tab to autocomplete commands


  [n]etwork      Show and configure network info 
  [s]ystem       Show and Configure PDU power, control, sensors, etc
  [set]tings     Manage PDU settings
  [m]odem        Access a connected modem
  [l]ogs         See various logs

  ping [host]    Send ping to specified host
  [h]elp         Returns this message
  [ex]amples     Common example commands
  [exit]         Exits SynLink Shell


system command returns a list of commands to access system related subcategories.

outlets or groups commands only applies to PDUs with outlet current measurement or outlet switching capabilities.

SynLink> system
System Menu

Usage: system [command] 

  [s]tatus       Print status device, inlet, bank, and outlet status
  [d]evice       Print PDU Information and Versions
  [b]anks        Show and Configure Bank (Circuit) info
  [i]nlets       Show and Configure Inlet info
  [o]utlets      Show and Configure Outlet Info
  [g]roups       Show and Configure group related info
  sensors        Show and Configure sensor related info

system status

system status command returns all system information related to inlets, circuit, and outlets.

The following example is from a 1U single phase, switched, and outlet monitored PDU

SynLink> system status
Device Information
Device Name             | SynLink PDU
Model Number            | 1001AIE-01
Outlet Switching        | Supported
Outlet Pwr Measurements | Supported
Number of Banks         | 1
Number of Outlets       | 8
Controller Serial #     | 1360604425
Enclosure Serial #      | 9826498
Inlet Configuration     | standard
Mac Address             | 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45
Form Factor             | 1U
Phase                   | Single Phase
Device Time             | 09/01/2012 - 05:15:24 UTC
Uptime                  | 678606 seconds

Inlet Information
Inlet Plug          | IEC-320 C20
Inlet Name          | IEC-320 C20 Inlet
Inlet Line          | L-L/N
Energy Accumulation | 0.00 kWh
Current RMS         | 0.01 A
Voltage RMS         | 117.80 V
Line Frequency      | 60.14 W
Power Factor        | 0.37 
Active Power        | 0.40 W
Apparent Power      | 1.07 VA

Banks Information
Bank 1 Status
Bank Name           | Bank 1
Lines Used          | L-L/N
Energy Accumulation | 0.00 kWh
Current RMS         | 0.01 A
Voltage RMS         | 117.80 V
Line Frequency      | 60.14 W
Power Factor        | -0.37 
Active Power        | 0.40 W
Apparent Power      | 1.07 VA

Outlets Information
    | ID            | Name         | State | Current  | Apparent Power    
 1  | 1-16777225    | Outlet 1     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 18.90 VA 
 2  | 2-16777225    | Outlet 2     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 18.93 VA 
 3  | 3-16777225    | Outlet 3     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.12 VA 
 4  | 4-16777225    | Outlet 4     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 18.91 VA 
 5  | 5-16777225    | Outlet 5     | ON    |  0.17 A  | 19.63 VA 
 6  | 6-16777225    | Outlet 6     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.15 VA 
 7  | 7-16777225    | Outlet 7     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 18.39 VA 
 8  | 8-16777225    | Outlet 8     | ON    |  0.15 A  | 18.02 VA 

system device status

system device status return device information.

SynLink> system device status
Device Information
Device Name             | SynLink PDU
Model Number            | 1001AIE-01
Outlet Switching        | Supported
Outlet Pwr Measurements | Supported
Number of Banks         | 1
Number of Outlets       | 8
Controller Serial #     | 1360604425
Enclosure Serial #      | 9826498
Inlet Configuration     | standard
Mac Address             | 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45
Form Factor             | 1U
Phase                   | Single Phase
Device Time             | 09/01/2012 - 05:19:19 UTC
Uptime                  | 678841 seconds

system device json

system device json returns device information in json format

SynLink> system device json
  "inletPlug":"IEC-320 C20",
  "controllerHardwareVersion":"SP000005 1.17.0",
  "phase":"Single Phase",

system device set

system device set will return a list of configurations that can be set.

SynLink> system device set
Device Configurations

Usage: system device set [key] [value] 

Key                | Values | Desc           
device_name        | TEXT   | 100 char Limit 
global_reboot_time | NUMBER | Min: 1 seconds, Max: 21600 seconds 

system inlets status

system inlets status return inlet information. Optional argument json return the inlet information in a JSON format (system inlets json).

SynLink> system inlets status
Inlet Information
Inlet Plug          | IEC-320 C20
Inlet Name          | IEC-320 C20 Inlet
Inlet Line          | L-L/N
Energy Accumulation | 0.00 kWh
Current RMS         | 0.01 A
Voltage RMS         | 118.00 V
Line Frequency      | 60.19 W
Power Factor        | 0.37 
Active Power        | 0.40 W
Apparent Power      | 1.07 VA

system inlets set

SynLink> system inlets set
Inlet Configurations

  system inlets set [key] [inlet_id:optional] [value:optional] 

Key                       | Values  | Desc                       
inlet_name                | TEXT    | User defined name for inlet
inlet_energy_accumulation | NONE    | No Value necessary.

system banks status

system banks status returns information of circuits/banks on PDU. Optional argument json returns the bank(s) information in a JSON format (system banks json).

SynLink> system banks status
Banks Information
Bank 1 Status
Bank Name           | Bank 1
Lines Used          | L-L/N
Energy Accumulation | 0.00 kWh
Current RMS         | 0.02 A
Voltage RMS         | 119.30 V
Line Frequency      | 60.19 W
Power Factor        | 0.64 
Active Power        | 1.77 W
Apparent Power      | 2.76 VA

system banks set

system banks set will return a list of configurations that can be set.

SynLink> system banks set
Device Configurations

Usage: system banks set [key] [bank_id:optional] [value:optional] 

Key       | Values | Desc           
bank_name | TEXT   | Prompts for bank_id and bank_name

system outlets status

system outlets status returns outlet information. Optional argument json returns outlet information in JSON format (system outlets json)

SynLink> system outlets status
Outlets Information
    | ID            | Name         | State | Current  | Apparent Power
 1  | 1-16777225    | Outlet 1     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.19 VA 
 2  | 2-16777225    | Outlet 2     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.04 VA 
 3  | 3-16777225    | Outlet 3     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.39 VA 
 4  | 4-16777225    | Outlet 4     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.05 VA 
 5  | 5-16777225    | Outlet 5     | ON    |  0.17 A  | 19.90 VA 
 6  | 6-16777225    | Outlet 6     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.28 VA 
 7  | 7-16777225    | Outlet 7     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.11 VA 
 8  | 8-16777225    | Outlet 8     | ON    |  0.15 A  | 18.15 VA 

system outlets set

system outlets set will return a list of configurations that can be set.

SynLink> system outlets set
Outlet Configurations


  system outlets set [Key] [outlet_id:optional] [Value:optional] 


  To choose an outlet from a list to turn off/on or power cycle:

    system outlet set outlet_state

  To change a specific outlet's state:

    system outlet set outlet_state 1 off
    system outlet set outlet_state 1 reboot

Key                         | Values      | Desc           
outlet_name                 | TEXT        | 100 char limit
outlet_state                | ON,OFF,RB   | RB = reboot outlet/power cycle
custom_reboot_time_enabled  | one,off     | Custom reboot time for outlet
custom_reboot_time          | SECONDS     | Reboot time in seconds
power_up_state              | ON,OFF,PREV | Outlet state when PDU boots up (cold boot)

system groups status

Show Outlet group information in human readable format. Print Outlet Group Info in JSON format by appending json argument (system groups json)

SynLink> system groups status
Outlet Group Information

1. Example Group Name              
Total Current RMS: 0.81A (0.16A average for 5 outlets)

 #  | ID            | Name         | State | Current  | Apparent Power    
 1  | 1-16777225    | Outlet 1     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.19 VA 
 2  | 2-16777225    | Outlet 2     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.04 VA 
 3  | 3-16777225    | Outlet 3     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.39 VA 
 4  | 4-16777225    | Outlet 4     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.05 VA 
 5  | 5-16777225    | Outlet 5     | ON    |  0.17 A  | 19.90 VA 


2. Dell Poweredge Servers              
# of Group Outlets: 3
Total Current RMS: 0.48A (0.16A average for 3 outlets)

 #  | ID            | Name         | State | Current  | Apparent Power    
 2  | 2-16777225    | Outlet 2     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.04 VA
 4  | 4-16777225    | Outlet 4     | ON    |  0.16 A  | 19.05 VA 
 5  | 5-16777225    | Outlet 5     | ON    |  0.17 A  | 19.90 VA 


system groups set

Configure an individual outlet group.

SynLink> system groups set
Outlet Group Configurations


  system groups set [key] [group_id:optional] [value:optional] 


  Type "system groups status" to see a list of group ids or 
  Omit [group_id] AND [value] to be prompted for information.

Key               | Values    | Desc           
group_name        | TEXT      | 100 char limit
reboot_seq_delay  | SECONDS   | Waterfall timing for group outlet switching
group_state       | ON,OFF,RB | Turn all outlets ON, OFF, or Power Cycle/Reboot
add_outlet        | OUTLET_ID | Add this single outlet id to the outlet group
remove_outlet     | OUTLET_ID | Remove this single outlet from the outlet group

system groups add

Create a brand new outlet group.

SynLink> system groups add
  system groups add [group_name:optional]

  If group_name is included and has spaces, uses quotations to wrap the name "example group name". If group_name is not included the group name will be prompted for.


system groups remove

Remove a single outlet group.

SynLink> system groups remove
  system groups remove [group_id:optional]

  If group_id is not included the group id will be prompted for. Find a list of group_ids with command system groups status

system sensors status

Print sensor information in human readable format. Print sensor information in JSON format by appending json argument (system sensors json).

SynLink> system sensors status
Sensor Information

Port A - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Temperature (C) | 18.86 celsius
Temperature (F) | 66.01 fahrenheit
Humidity (RH)   | 39.85 relative humidity

Port B - Disconnected
No Sensor Found


settings command returns a list of commands to change PDU settings

SynLink> settings
Settings Menu

Usage: settings [command]

  firmware    Print options/info for firmware configurations
  ports       Print options for controller front panel ports
  display     Print options for front panel lcd display

settings firmware status

Return firmware information for PDU in human readable format.

SynLink> settings firmware status

SynLink Firmware Status
Controller Serial number    | 1360604425
Controller Hardware Version | 1.17.0
Controller Firmware Version | 1.3.0
Enclosure Serial Number     | 9826498
Subsystem Serial Numbers    | 16777225, 16777226
Subsystem Hardware Versions | 1.0.0,1.0.0
Subsystem Firmware Versions | 1.1.0,1.1.0

settings firmware factory_reset

Issue factory reset from command line interface and proper permissions.

SynLink> settings firmware factory_reset
Are you sure you want to factory reset? You will lose all your configurations (y/n)> y
Please type "reset" and Enter to issue factory reset> reset

Issuing factory reset. 
Controller module will restart. Your outlets will not change states.

settings firmware reboot

Restart SynLink Controller Module and any running services/processes. Your outlets will not change states. If your outlets are on, they will stay on. If your outlets are off, they will stay off.

SynLink> settings firmware reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot your Controller Module? Any active connections to SynLink services will be terminated (y/n)>y

Restarting SynLink Module now. You may lose connection.

settings ports status

SynLink> settings ports status
Port Information

Current Mode for Port A: Sensor

Port A COM mode baud rate: 115200 (not active)
Port A MODEM mode baud rate: 115200 (not active)

USB COM port baud rate: 115200
USB MODEM port baud rate: 115200

Port Descriptions
RJ45 Port labeled "A" can be configured to do one of three separate functions.

Port A can act as a sensor port and connected sensor accessories will properly pair.
Port A can act as a modem port and provide out of band access to a serial device, such as a modem.
Port A can act as a com port and  allows access to this SynLink Command Line Interface with a connected host.

USB Port labeled "COM" provides serial access to the SynLink Command Line Interface
USB Port labeled "USB" can provide outlet of band access to a connected serial device, such as a modem.

settings ports set

See options to configure ports on front panel of SynLink controller.

RJ45 Port labeled "A" can be configured to do one of three separate functions.

Port A can act as a sensor port and connected sensor accessories will properly pair. Port A can act as a modem port and provide out of band access to a serial device, such as a modem. Port A can act as a com port and allows access to this SynLink Command Line Interface with a connected host.

USB Port labeled "COM" provides serial access to the SynLink Command Line Interface

USB Port labeled "USB" can provide outlet of band access to a connected serial device, such as a modem.

SynLink> settings ports set
Port Configurations


  settings ports set [key] [value] 

Key                 | Values           | Desc           
port_a_mode         | sensor,com,modem | change functionality of RJ45 port labeled: A
port_a_com_baud     | BAUD_RATE        | baud rate when port A is set to mode: com
port_a_modem_baud   | BAUD_RATE        | baud rate when port A is set to mode: modem
usb_com_port_baud   | BAUD_RATE        | baud rate for USB port labeled: COM
usb_modem_port_baud | BAUD_RATE        | baud rate for USB port labeled: USB

Valid Baud rates: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200

settings display status

SynLink> settings display status

Display Information

Picture Settings
Orientation: Landscape
Brightness: 100%
Theme: Black

Screensaver Settings
Screensaver Type: Power info
Screensaver Timeout: 60 seconds

Display Permissions
Control Outlets with LCD display: Enabled
Change Network Settings with LCD Display: Enabled
Reboot Control Module with LCD Display: Disabled
Flush logs with LCD Display: Disabled

settings display set

SynLink> settings display set
Display Configurations


  settings display set [key] [value] 

Key                 | Values          | Desc           
orientation         | 0,90,180,270    | Degrees of rotation to rotate
brightness          | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 | 7 is brightest.
color_theme         | COLOR           | changes background color of display
screensaver         | off,power       | have screensaver show power info or nothing
screensaver_timeout | SECONDS         | max timeout 3600 seconds.
enable_outlet_ctrl  | ON,OFF          | ON will allow outlet switching from lcd
enable_network_ctrl | ON,OFF          | ON will allow network configuration from lcd
enable_lcd_reboot   | ON,OFF          | ON will allow reboot via lcd screen
enable_lcd_flush    | ON,OFF          | ON will allow flush system logs from lcd screen

Valid colors: black, blue, gray, green, magenta, maroon, navy, olive, orange, teal, purple


modem command returns a list of commands to connect/disconnect or see modem information

SynLink> modem
Modem Menu

Usage: modem [command]

  status      Print current status of any modem connections/configurations
  connect     Print options to connect to
  terminate   Print options to terminate active connection if exists.

modem status

SynLink> modem status

Serial Modem Status

USB Modem Port: No Active Connection
Port A Port: Currently in sensor mode. No Active Connection.

modem connect

SynLink> modem connect


  modem connect [port:optional]

Ports    | Availability | Description
usb      | usb detected | USB port labeled: USB
port_a   | unavailable  | Set to modem mode to activate.

port> usb
Successfully Connected. 
Use CTRL + X to stop the connection to the device.

modem terminate

SynLink> modem terminate


  modem terminate [port:optional]

Ports    | Availability | Description
usb      | in use       | USB port labeled: USB
port_a   | unavailable  | Set to modem mode to activate.

port> usb
Successfully disconnected.


network command returns a list of commands to access networking related subcategories. To see a general overview of networking configurations and status use command status. Options to change configurations can be found within each subcategory.

SynLink> network
SynLink PDU Networking Menu

Usage: network [command] [options...]

   [s]tatus    Print all network status and configurations
   [r]estart   Restart all networking related activity
   [i]p        Print options to show and configure PDU IP
   [w]eb       Print options to show and configure HTTP(S) Webserver
   [ss]h       Print options to show and configure SSH Server
   [t]elnet    Print options to show and configure Telnet Server

network status

SynLink> network status

IP Address Assignment:  Static
Static IP Address:
Static Gateway IP:
Static Subnet Mask:
Primary DNS IP:
Secondary DNS IP:
Mac Address: 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45

Current Status:         Currently Running
Availability:           ENABLED
Webserver Port:         80
SSL Security            Enabled

SSH Server
Current Status:         Not Currently Running
Availability:           ENABLED
SSH Port:               22

network ip restart

Restart all network related processes/services.

SynLink> network ip restart

Successfully restarted Network

network ip status

Show IP settings in human readable format.

SynLink> network ip status

Network Settings

IP Assignment       | Static
Static IP Address   |
Static Gateway IP   |
Static Subnet Mask  |
Primary DNS IP      |
Secondary DNS IP    |
Mac Address         | 3A:D2:21:D3:82:45

network ip set

Show configurations to change for IP related settings.

SynLink> network ip set

Network IP Configurations

Usage: network ip set [key] [value]

  Key            | Values          | Desc 
  ip_assign      | static, dhcp    |      
  static_ip      | IP_ADDRESS      |      
  subnet_mask    | SUBNET_MASK     |      
  gateway_ip     | GATEWAY_IP_ADDR |      
  primary_dns    | IP_ADDRESS      |      
  secondary_dns  | IP_ADDRESS      |  

network web status

Show web/http(s) settings in human readable format.

SynLink> network web status

SynLink Webserver

Current Status         | Currently Running
Availability           | ENABLED
Webserver Port         | 80
SSL Security           | ENABLED
Webserver HTTPS Port   | 443
Basic Auth Enabled     | DISABLED

network web set

SynLink> network web set
Webserver Configurations

Usage: network webserver set [key] [value]

  Key                | Values    | Desc     
  enabled            | on, off   |          
  http_port          | PORT_NUM  |          
  https_port         | PORT_NUM  |          
  ssl_enabled        | on, off   |          
  basic_auth_enabled | on, off   | Allows passing username/password for API access (Insecure) 
  redirect_http      | on, off   | Redirects http requests to https when applicable 

network ssh status

SynLink> network ssh status

SynLink SSH Server
Current Status     | Currently Running
Availability       | ENABLED
SSH Port           | 22
Password Login     | ENABLED
Key Based Login    | ENABLED
Idle Timeout       | No Timeout

network ssh set

SynLink> network ssh set

SSH Configurations

Usage: network ssh set [key] [value]

Key          | Values   | Desc           
enabled      | on, off  |                
ssh_port     | PORT_NUM |                
idle_timeout | SECONDS  | 0 - no timeout 
disable_keys | on, off  | While on, key based entry not allowed 
disable_pass | on, off  | While On, password based entry not allowed

network telnet status

SynLink> network telnet status

SynLink Telnet Server
Current Status     | Currently Running
Availability       | ENABLED
Telnet Port        | 23

network telnet set

SynLink> network telnet set

Telnet Configurations

Usage: network telnet set [key] [value]

Key          | Values   | Desc           
enabled      | on, off  |                
telnet_port  | PORT_NUM |                

List of Commands

[s]ystem                         Print options for PDU power, control, sensors, etc
  [s]tatus                       Print status device, inlet, bank, and outlet status
  [d]evice                       Print options to view/edit PDU Information
    status                       Print device configurations and related info
    json                         Print device configurations and related info in json format
    set                          See configuration options to change AutoPing Reboot Settings
      device_name                Name for device which shows up on network searches
      global_reboot_time         Default number of seconds power cycles will cycle for outlet reboots
  [i]nlets                       Print options for Inlet information
    status                       Print inlet configurations and info
    json                         Print inlet configurations and info in JSON format
    set                          See configuration options to change inlet settings
      inlet_name                 User defined name for inlet
      energy_accumulation        Reset Energy accumulation (kWh). No Value necessary.
  [b]anks                        Print options for Bank (Circuit) info
    status                       Print Power Stats, Energy Stats, and Overload Protection Info for bank(s)
    json                         Print Power Stats, Energy Stats, and Overload Protection Info for bank(s) in json format
    set                          See options to configure each bank
      bank_name                  Prompts for bank_id and bank_name
  [o]utlets                      Print options for Outlet Info
    status                       Print Outlet configurations and related info
    json                         Print Outlet configurations and related info in JSON format
    set                          See options to configure individual outlets
      outlet_name                Change outlet name for a specified outlet
      outlet_state               Change outlet relay state to specified state
      power_up_state             Change power on state for specified outlet
      custom_reboot_time_enabled Configures outlet to use custom reboot time instead of global reboot time
      custom_reboot_time         Number of seconds to reboot when custom reboot time is enabled
  [g]roups                       Print options for configuring and showing group related info
    status                       Print relevant information about outlet groups and their power consumption  
    json                         Print relevant information about outlet groups and their power consumption in JSON format
    add                          Prompts for group name, and which outlets to include
    set                          Prints a list of group names, and prompts to select one, then prompts for setting to change
      group_name                 Change group name for a specified group.
      reboot_seq_delay           Waterfall timing for group outlet switching
      group_state                Turn all outlets ON, OFF, or Power Cycle/Reboot
      add_outlet                 Add this single outlet id to the outlet group
      remove_outlet              Remove this single outlet from the outlet group
    remove                       Prints a list of group names, and prompts to select one to remove forever
  sensors                        Print options for configuring and showing sensor related info
    status                       Print relevant information about any attached sensors
    json                         Print relevant information about any attached sensors in JSON format
[n]etwork                        Print options to show and configure network info  
  status                         Print all network status and configurations
  restart                        Restart all networking related activity.
  ip                             Print options to show and configure PDU IP
    status                       Show current status and configurations for IP
    set                          See configuration options to change IP settings
      ip_assign                  Choosing DHCP will have DHCP Server at 'gateway_ip' assign IP address to PDU
      static_ip                  IP Address that unit will respond to if ip_assign is set to 'dhcp'
      subnet_mask                Subnet Mask that divides the IP address into network address and host address
      gateway_ip                 IP Address for forwarding host (router) to other networks
      primary_dns                Default DNS Server from Google
      secondary_dns              Default Secondary DNS Server from Google
  web                            Print options to show and configure HTTP(S) Webserver
    status                       Show current status and configurations for HTTP(S) Webserver
    set                          See configuration options to change HTTP(S) Webserver settings 
      enabled                    Turns on or off HTTP(S) Server
      http_port                  Port to reach HTTP Webserver
      https_port                 Port to reach HTTPS Webserver
      ssl_enabled                Enforces SSL certificate for HTTPS
      basic_auth_enabled         Enable or disable username-password access access to HTTP(S). WARNING: Insecure
      redirect_http              Specifies if HTTP requests will be forwarded to HTTPS
   ssh                           Print options to show and configure ssh info
    status                       Show current status and configurations for SSH Server
    set                          See configuration options to change SSH settings
      enabled                    Turns on or off SSH Server
      ssh_port                   Port to reach SSH Server
      idle_timeout               Number seconds before SSH Server auto disconnects
      disable_pass               Disable password logins for SSH
      disable_keys               Disable key based Login for SSH
  telnet                         Print options to show and configure telnet info
    status                       Show current status and configurations for Telnet Server
    set                          See configuration options to change Telnet settings
      telnet_port                Port to reach Telnet Server
      enabled                    Turns on or off Telnet Server
[se]ttings                       Print all SynLink settings to manage
  firmware                       Print options for managing PDU Firmware.
    status                       Prints current firmware versions for any connected banks, controller, hardware versions, and firmware history. 
    factory_reset                Reset all configuration to factory default
    reboot                       Restart SynLink Controller Module. Your outlets will not change state.
  ports                          Print current status or change configurations for port on SynLink Controller Module
    status                       Print status and configuration of all ports on your SynLink Controller module.
    set                          Print options to set for port related configurations
      port_a_mode                Options: sensor, com, modem. COM: access serial SynLink CLI. Modem: out of band access to a serial device.
      port_a_com_baud            Baud rate for RJ45 modem port in COM mode. Options: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
      port_a_modem_baud          Baud rate for RJ45 modem port in MODEM mode. Options: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
      usb_com_port_baud          Baud rate for USB-serial port (labeled COM) in  COM mode. Options: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
      usb_modem_port_baud        Baud rate for USB port (labeled USB) in MODEM mode. Options: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.
      usb_fw_update              Enable or disable usb firmware update
  display                        Print options to configure local LCD screen
    status                       Print current LCD Configuration and status 
    set                          See configuration options to change LCD settings
      orientation               Rotate screen between 90, 180, 270, and 0/360 deg
      brightness                Change brightness of LCD
      color_theme               Changes background color of LCD screen
      screensaver               Defines which type of content displays on LCD screen during screensaver
      screensaver_timeout       Number of seconds before screensaver is enabled
      enable_outlet_ctrl        Allow controlling of outlet relays (if applicable) through front panel LCD
      enable_network_ctrl       Allow changing of IP assignment/Address through front panel LCD
      enable_lcd_reboot         Allow rebooting SynLink Controller Module from LCD
      enable_lcd_flush          Allow flushing system logs from LCD screen
[m]odem                          Print options for managing/connecting to ports configured as modem mode.
  status                         Print status and configurations of any relevant ports for modem mode.
  connect                        Create active connection from specified modem port and the connected serial device.
    usb                          Connect to USB port if modem mode is active.
    port_a                       Connect to RJ45 port A if modem mode is active.
  terminate                      Terminate active connection from specified modem port and connected serial device.
    usb                          Disconnect USB port if modem mode is active and a device is connected.
    port_a                       Disconnect Port A if modem mode is active and a device is connected.
help                             Print help menu with top level list of commands.

SSH Scripting

Pass commands to ssh like in the following examples:

The following examples are with a Ubuntu/Debian based OS.

Return device information in human readable format

$ ssh admin@ "system device status"
Device Information
Device Name             | SynLink PDU
Model Number            | 1001AIE-01
Outlet Switching        | Supported
Outlet Pwr Measurements | Supported
Number of Banks         | 1
Number of Outlets       | 8
Controller Serial  #    | 10283628
Enclosure Serial   #    | 461298
Inlet Configuration     | standard
Mac Address             | 00:00:00:00:00:00
Form Factor             | 1U
Phase                   | Single Phase
Device Time             | 01/01/2012 - 08:02:54 UTC
Uptime                  | 28971 seconds

Return device information in JSON format

$ ssh admin@ "system device json"
  "inletPlug":"IEC-320 C20",
  "phase":"Single Phase",

Return device information in JSON format and parse for Model Number

Requires jq (json parsing tool)

$ ssh admin@ "system device status json" | jq .modelNumber

Serial Scripting

The following examples use Ubuntu 18.04 Linux OS and the USB-Serial COM Port on SynLink Controller Device file is identified as /dev/ttyUSB0 with dmesg

Get tty configuration:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0

Change baud rate:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Write to Serial Port:

echo "system status" > /dev/ttyUSB0

Read from Serial Port:

cat /dev/ttyUSB0

Set Outlet Off

Configure tty with appropriate configurations beforehand

Identify outlet ID beforehand by printing list of outlets: system outlet status

Requires pre login to be able to issue commands.

user@host:~$ echo "system outlet set outlet_state 1-100001 OFF" > /dev/ttyUSB0


user@host:~$ sudo sh -c "echo 'system outlet set outlet_state 1-100001 OFF' >> /dev/ttyUSB0"